
I've got an odd burst of energy today. Probably because its Thursday which means that tomarrow is Friday. But regardless of the cause its nice and I'm sure that my mother will think the same thing when she walks in to the house being all clean.

All in all this afternoon has been highly productive. Lets see what I've done.
  • Did dishes
  • Swept the floor
  • Cleaned the oven
  • Started some more loads of laundry
  • Vacumed the entire house

  • I've done all of that already, and next I'm going to rearrange and clean my bedroom. Once thats done I'm going to call it a day and just kind of relax.

    But my mom has been so tired lately and working so hard that I know she wouldnt feel like doing it when she came home. So now when she comes home she can relax and take a nap or whatever else she feels like getting done. She does so much around here and half the time I feel like I dont let her know that I appreciate her as much as I do.

    But I'm off to rearrange my bedroom so that I can be done before 5. Its really sad how often I rearrange this room, at least once a month I swear... Its kind of weird, like I cant stand it when things are the same for too long. Even just moving a few things around makes me feel better... I think I'm losing it.
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    Written on 2004-03-25 @ 4:05 p.m.
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