
A truly amazing night...

Finally the sexual barrier is broken down and crossed. Wasnt really anything that I expected it to be, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. I'm interested to see if it happens again or if it was a one time fluke and he wakes up in the morning and kicks himself in the ass.

Caliche, something I've never heard of and now view in a completely different light...

Him: Caliche
Me: what's that?
Him: stone, you build it into your foundation of a house.
Me: what's that got to do with us?
Him: well, without caliche a house isnt right, and without you i'm not right.
(a few moments of silence)
Me: can you see me with you when your old?
Him: do you mean saggy white headed fat and in a walker old?
Me: Well I dont know that I'd put it that way but yeah basically.
Him: Yeah I do.
Me: Me too.

Can I melt now??

Obviouslly our talk last night made an impact, thats one of the sweetest moments that we've ever had. And they are most definantly few and far between so I'm taking the time to document that one for the record, maybe it will give me something to look back on when we are in a fight and I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing here.

Right this second I know exactly what I'm doing here, and I have no intentions of ever leaving this one's side. I'll take him with his grey hairs, not so flat belly, snuff in his lip and all.
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Written on 2004-10-13 @ 12:51 a.m.
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