
Well since I'm sitting in school with nothing better to do with my time I thought that I'd send off an entry.

My knee is really hurting for some reason and I'm not real sure why. I guess I stepped on it wrong or something last night while I was running. Thats one thing that I'm relatively proud of myself for. I'm starting to excercise on a normal basis, at least one to three miles every night. And for the first time I'm doing it because I want to and because it makes me feel good. Not because I'm trying to please anyone else. For the first time in a really long time I couldnt care less about what everyone else is saying about me, I'm just doing what makes me happy and me feel good. As conceited as it sounds I'm doing this for myself rather than the rest of the world. And thats a nice feeling to have.

In other news the group drama rages on. I'm so tired of it all... It just seems to superficial and insignificant when you think about it. It's also kind of sad that a simple misunderstanding/misinterpretation of a comment by one person can break up an entire group of friends sending them all to different sides and putting everyone at odds with eachother. Our group of 6 or 7 has split itself into two small groups, we stand together but refuse to talk to eachother or even acknowledge eachothers presence. and when we do acknowledge one of the "former-friends" it's with rude comments and blatant disrespect.

My god people, It's just high school! You'll probably only keep in touch with 2 maybe 3 people that your friends with now and even then in a few years nobody will remember let alone care about who was mad at who and for what reason. I can guarantee that there are worse things in the world than your group being a little upset with eachother. The world is a much bigger place with bigger problems, it is not confined to the walls of Pine Tree High.

In all reality KT is the only one who has it in prospective at all. Sometimes she seems like the only one of us who have it together at all. I wish I could be more like her in the sense that she just lets everything roll off so easily, she realizes that its all bullshit and doesnt let it bother her. I realize and understand that it's all hopeless and meaningless but it still bothers me. Just the fact that so many people are so angry for no reason, and the main that irritates me is that everyone is being rude when nothing was done to them. I guess I just need to learn to forget about it and let it go.

On a good note for the day I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW! I applied at one of the local daycares the other day and they said that they couldnt hire me because I'm only 17, but yesterday while I was prom dress shopping the lady called and said she needed someone to help with afterschool kids and help with their computer lab. So I go over there at 2 to see if I can get the job. So yeah I'm very excited about that. Wow this is a long entry, I'm gonna go now!
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Written on 2004-01-28 @ 10:23 a.m.
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