
Well here's to hoping that today is better than yesterday was. I was going to come home and write all about it but I was still so angry that all I wanted to do was come home and go to bed. So now if you dont want to read a huge rant and rave i'd suggest not reading the rest of it.

As you all may know if you read the last entry I was looking for something to do for the day. Britt called and invited me to lunch so I accepted. It wasnt too bad, just a few things that kind of got under my skin but nothing major for a while.

After lunch we ended up shopping which always manages to get under my skin a little because she's constantly telling me what to buy and that i need to buy this even though I tell her I dont have money on me... And then when we try things on she gripes for 10 minutes about how much smaller I am than her and how she wishes she could be my size etc. This bothers me, I'm sorry that I stay active and dont sit around the house watching television and drinking dr. pepper constantly, I'm sorry that I watch what I eat and excercise so that I dont have a weigh problem. I'm far from being "small" but I'm not big either. I'm about 142 pounds and wear a size 9 or 11. so I'm right around the middle and perfectly happy with that.

So after the shopping escapade she Invites herself to my house to pick up a movie that she wants to see and go back home and watch it. What right do you have to invite yourself to my house? it's bad enough that this girl has a key to my house that even I dont have. I gave her mom my key the other weekend so that she could feed the dogs and never got it back. So somehow she's ended up with it and I'm keyless...

So we get the movie and watch it at her house without too much chaos. Then she decides that she wants to go see passion again. I saw passion once, and I liked it... but I must admit that in my opinion its something that you go see once just so that you can say you saw it and you can participate in conversation. It's not something that I want to see over and over again and definantly not something I plan on rushing out to buy when it comes on to video. So no matter what excuse I gave for not going she had a counterexcuse. Finally I decided that I'd go home and call my mom and then call and tell her that I couldnt go.

So before we left she had some things to clean up. She asked me to help her fold the 3 loads of laundry that had sat there since the night before and all day yesterday that her mom was angry about. I decided to help and then she totally walked off! so I folded 3 loads of her laundry by myself. The only thing that I refused to fold were her panties because there is unwritten code between friends that you just dont touch somebody elses underwear.

So she takes me home and again invites herself in rather than letting me go in alone. I tried to hint to my mother that I didnt want to go but she didnt catch on and told me yes. So we ended up trying to go. luckily enough it was sold out so I was spared. Then she decided to go home and watch tv.

My mom called and asked if I could go by and pick her up some diet pepsie on my way home and britt said that would be fine... So she took me home around 9 (all because she was mad that I'd talked to her sister for 10 minutes and not paid attention to her) and she asked me what i was doing and I told her that since it was early I was going to go to
KT's house for a while. So suddenly she decided that she was "too tired" to take me by the store (which you drive RIGHT by.) and asked if I could go get it myself since I was going back out anyway and she was so tired.

This is when "slight irritation" gave way to majorly pissed off... I could have literally spit nails at her for that. I cant even count how many times I took her to work because she didnt have a license or a car. I've come in from out of town to take her somewhere, taken her to the bank, gotten out of bed at 6 a.m. on a saturday morning to take her to work countless times. Even when I've told her no she prods and whines and says 'come on you know you love me' until she gets her way. For the perfect example see this entry And she cant even spare 5 minutes to take me by the grocery store so that I could get pepsi. I literally couldnt even speak to her the rest of the 2 minute ride home because I know that if I did it was going to be to let her know how mad she had just made me. And then she called and woke me up at 9:45 this morning all happy and chipper like nothing was wrong!

I'm waiting on the day when she needs something again, and i'll be too busy to help her out. and what really makes me mad is that she'll wine and gripe and moan until i get tired of hearing about it and end up doing it anyway just because i'll feel like a bad person...

alright i'm done now, i'll update again later on with a happy entry I promise. I'm off to get something to eat and then make new designs to see if I cant blow off some steam.
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Written on 2004-03-09 @ 10:35 a.m.
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