
I'm really bored, and since I've decided to procrastinate so that I might relax and possibly stop thinking about a lot of things I decided to fill out a survey. And naturally since I just spent like 20 minutes filling it out you must suffer through reading it. The way I see it I've had too many serious entries that pour my heart out, i want to just have a normal daylong entry!

What were you doing?

1 MINUTE AGO: Going to walmart to buy dog food
1 DAY AGO: sitting at home playing on the computer
1 WEEK AGO: Sitting in Shreveport with my mom.
1 YEAR AGO: Dating bam and spending time with KT.

Current Clothes: Faded blue jeans and a t-shirt
Current Mood: Not too happy not too sad, just kind of flowing.
Current Music: Tracy Lawrence - Paint Me A Burmingham
Current thing I should be Doing: Cleaning the house.
Current Desktop Picture: A goddess blowing dolphins and the ocean.
Current Favorite bands/singers: Anything Country
Current Book: Dear stranger, dearest friend
Current Worry: That I'll make the wrong decision and lose something.
Have You Ever

Been in love: Yes
Hurt someone you loved: Probably so... I know I've hurt people whove cared about me and who I've cared about. Even some guys who might have been in love with me.
Told a lie that hurt someone: Yes
Hit someone: Nothing other than play-fighting.
Been hit by someone: Not really
Been in an accident: 1 car accident, not my fault.
Been pulled over: Nope never
Been arrested: Nope
Been kissed: A little too much lol
Had sex: yes, sometimes more than I'd like to admit.
Wished you were someone else: who doesnt? but sometimes I like me too. How about being me but with a few qualities of someone else?
Hated someone: A few people, more dislike than hate.

Do you think you're hot: Personally no... There are a few qualities that I like but I wouldnt say that I was hot. Maybe mildy attractive.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be: physically a little thinner, personality wise I'd be a little less obnoxious, and be able to make better decisions.
When's the last time you cried: Yesterday
What is the worst injury you've ever had: I was almost hit by a car and got a concussion / fractured skull.
Had any broken bones: just one. I broke my arm the day before my 5th birthday.
Has a friend ever lied to you: Definantly
What is your most valued posession: Not sure, possibly a play written by my grandfather and a picture of me and joe, the teddy bear and the necklace he gave me.
When was your first kiss (french kiss): I dont really remember
Were you two a couple: Probably not
How did it feel: Obviouslly not that great, i dont remember.
Have you ever had sex: didnt we cover that? yes i have.
Were you two a couple: With the first person? no was kind of manipulated into that. I was with the 1st guy that I count though.
Would you kiss someone of the opposite sex for $100,000: hell i've kissed enough of them for free you might as well pay me!
Ever been to camp: Yeah, every summer for almost 6 weeks.
Ever had thoughts of suicide: dont think I ever considered it seriously though wouldnt had the guts.
What's the hardest thing you've ever had to deal with so far in your life: The death of my grandfather.
Ever felt like you had no way out: Sometimes, hell sometimes I cant find the way in.
Ever disappointed someone: Who hasnt, but never on purpose.
What do you tell yourself when times get hard: Just breathe
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Written on 2004-03-31 @ 3:55 p.m.
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