
Despite the cloudyness and all around muggy weather we had today has been really good. Fridays are usually really good for me for some reason.

I dont really have any big plans for the weekend which is nice. Tonight I think I'm just going to sit back and work on a few designs as well as make a few modifications to this one. None that are too noticable though. After that I think KT & Dennis are going to come over and watch a movie or two. Should prove to be relaxing and entertaining. And I got a new request for a custom which i'm going to have fun doing.

Tomarrow Joe comes in for the night which will be nice. I dont really have any plans but I thought that I might just go rent some movies and spend the night snuggling up with him on the couch. I havent seen him in almost 2 weeks so I'm really missing him, and looking forward to be able to spend a relaxing night in his arms. I'm kind of hoping that he'll spend the night with me this time as opposed to spending the night in the guest room like last time. But if he does that will be alright too, I dont think that I'm going to ask him to this time. I'm kind of wanting him to come up with it on his own. We dont really have to have sex it would be perfectly fine and nice if I could just spend the night in his arms.

Ugh, mom and karen are home for a few hours and it seems like all i do is get fussed at. Karen's mom has gone completely nuts since Merak was born. She is jealous of anyone who sees him, (including karen), she doesnt want anyone to buy him anything except for her, (this also includes karen and us) she actually said that she hopes he is still on the tubes when nan and wayne come up there so that the nurse cant roll him to the window because she doesnt want them to see him.

I can deal with that I guess, seems to me like its Karens problem. But when she and Karen came in this afternoon she walked in and went to the bathroom and i started talking to karen. when she came out i was still talking to karen and she just walked out and went home. Apparently it hurt her feelings that I didnt say hello to her. Well if she would have stayed longer than 2 minutes I would have said hello, but I was in mid-sentence and didnt really see it appropriate to just stop to acknowledge her. Its like she expects me to fall on my knees and worship her the second she walks in the kitchen.

So when mom came home she said hello to me and then went into the room with karen for 45 minutes. She came out walked into my room and promptly scolds me for not saying hello to aunt wanda and then leaves my room to do laundry. And when I confronted her about it she got irritated and said that she hadnt fussed at me and I needed to stop taking things so personal.

Yeah welcome home... anyway I'm going to stop ranting and go work on some designs.
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Written on 2004-03-26 @ 3:49 p.m.
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